Cafe Lettus. San Francisco
This is a restaurant that personifies *everyday* San Francisco at its most down-to-earth [pun intended]. It serves food made with organic, locally grown ingredients, with an emphasis on freshness. This is the kind of restaurant you wish were in *your* neighborhood when you are craving a really good salad, and can't think of anyplace that can fill that need.
The graphics of the card are very well suited to the place. Slightly too 'corporate', but still refreshing. [heehee] I did not try to make a tinybuilding that would match the actual place, but did consider the layout of the card in forming the facades and roof. I like the window pattern and the cute little roof over the front door. Maybe this is a tall farmhouse on an organic farm somewhere in California....tall [ about 1-1/4 inch] and skinny, for the farmer and his wife in that painting...
c. 2006
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