23 January 2008

Pink Castle. An original edition

This is another of James' vintage TinyBuildings. It must be over thirty years old. Looks pretty good, still...a little threadbare, but, so do you....

I think this tower is made from leftover architectural model-building board. The pink-ish color may have been meant to be brick or stucco. i don't know if James was testing a design for a client's house or just gluing scraps together. I also don't care; I just love this TinyBuilding for itself....that jaunty glued-on brown door is so assertive, I laugh out loud!

I wonder what the roof paper came from. Maybe its an insert paper from a candy box- like Godiva...those wax-coated sheets they lay on top of the candies to protect them from the box top. Hmmmm? something like that...a flicker of memory is trying to come forward...Hmmm?

c. 1976

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